Edit Number Sequence Dialog

Tools > Administration > Options > Number sequences > Highlight line > Select Edit button.

What is the dialog used for?

  • This dialog is used to edit number sequences.
Fields & buttons Description
ID The ID number that is automatically generated by the system.
Description The description of the number sequence.
Highest The highest number allowed in the sequence.
Next value

Represents the next value that will be generated by the number sequence. You can click on the Modify button to change this value manually.

Modifying the next value of a number sequence can be dangerous. Make sure that by changing this number you will not create duplicate IDs.

Format The format in which the sequence appears. # (Hash): represents a number generated by the system. You can also insert letters, symbols and numbers if you want to be able to recognize the number sequence easily.
Embed store ID

Embed store ID as a prefix on store level for the number sequence value. This means that if you are in the store, the store ID will come before the number sequence and the next in the number sequence will be determined by the store data:

  • Checked: Embed store ID in number sequence
  • Not checked: Do not embed ID
Embed terminal ID

Embed terminal ID as a prefix for the number sequence value. This means that if you are set on a terminal, the terminal ID will come before the number sequence, or before the store ID if you have the option checked and then the sequence number.

  • Checked: Embed terminal ID in number sequence
  • Not checked: Do not embed ID

See also


Reviewed: August 2017
Version: LS One 2017.2