Bar code Mask Segment Dialog

Setup > Bar codes > Barcodes dropdown > Bar code mask setup > Select Add/Edit button > Select Add/Edit button

What is the dialog used for?

  • Select the type of segment and enter/edit the length.
  • This is related to the maximum number of the bar code mask setup, so you cannot have a total longer length of segments than are available in the bar code mask.
Fields & buttons Description
Segment number Displays the segment number of the dialog. This can be changed in the Bar code mask dialog by using the arrow buttons.

Select the type of bar code mask:

  • Item
  • Any number
  • Check digit
  • Size digit
  • Color digit
  • Style digit
  • EAN license code
  • Price
  • Quantity
  • Employee
  • Customer
  • Data entry
  • Sales person
  • Pharmacy
  • Store
  • Terminal
  • Receipt
Character Displays the character that represents the bar code segment.
Length Enter/edit the number of characters that the bar code mask segment has. This is related to the maximum number of the bar code mask setup, so you cannot have a total longer length of segments than are available in the bar code mask.
Decimals Enter/edit the number of decimals in the bar code mask setup. This is available for types Price and Quantity.

See also


Reviewed: August 2017
Version: LS One 2017.2