Unit Conversion Dialog

Setup > Units > Unit Conversions > Edit/Add button

What is the dialog used for?

  • Create a conversion rule.
  • With unit conversions it is possible to set up a conversion between units, for example to make a rule about how many cans are in a box or how many grams there are in a kilo.
  • The unit conversion can be set up globally or for specific items. The value in the Factor field is the number in the rule to multiply the From unit to get the result in the To unit.
  • From unit x Factor = To unit
Fields & buttons Description
Conversion rule for

Select either:

  • Global rules
  • Specific item
Item If "Specific item" is chosen in the field above, select the item from this menu.
From unit Select the unit that you are converting from.
To unit Select the unit that you are converting to.
Factor Enter the factor number.
Button: Swap units Select this button to swap the from and to units.

From unit x Factor = To unit

Displays the conversion rule.

See also


Last updated: December 2017
Version: LS One 2017.1