New Touch Button Dialog

Sites > Look and feel > Touch button layouts > Select Add button

What is the dialog used for?

  • Create a new touch button layout.
Tab/Field name Description
Description Enter a description for the touch button layout.
Copy from From the list, select a touch button layout to copy from.
Button grids Button grids are parts that menus can be attached to. The menus are created in the operation POS Button grid menus.
Button grid 1 menu Select a button grid menu from the list.
Button grid 2 menu Select a button grid menu from the list.
Button grid 3 menu Select a button grid menu from the list.
Button grid 4 menu Select a button grid menu from the list.
Button grid 5 menu Select a button grid menu from the list.
Add Selecting add here takes you to a new POS menu header dialog where you can enter the description and configure the POS menu header. If you want to create a new button grid, go to: Store setup > POS button grid menus, where you can configure the operations and parameters of a menu.

See also

Last updated: September 2017
Version: LS One 2017.2