Styles View

Sites > Look and feel > Styles

What is the dialog/view used for?

  • Create styles for labels and buttons which you can add quickly when you are creating touch button layouts.
  • Edit and delete styles. System styles and styles that are in use cannot be deleted.
  • There are 6 system styles for the dual display view. You can change how the Display line, Display subline, Display total label, Display total label negative, Display total value and Display total value negative look like.

  • There are 2 system styles for the POS numpad where you can change how it looks like on the POS. The touch button layout view does not show these changes. It can be viewed only on the POS itself.


Tab/Field name Description
Description Displays the description of the style.
Font Shows the font preview.
Back color The background color of the button.
Back color 2 The second background color of the button.
Gradient The gradient of the color blend.
Shape The shape of the button. Rectangle, Triangle, Hexagon, Ellipse, Windows3D.
System style Displays if the style is a system style or not. System styles are styles bound to object used in the POS such as the numpad. You can edit the system styles but you cannot delete them.
Edit Highlight a line and select the edit button to open the Style configuration dialog
Add Select the add button to create a new style. Opens the New style configuration dialog
Delete Highlight a line and select the delete button to erase a style.

See also


Last updated: September 2017
Version: LS One 2017.2