How to setup a barcode for a customer card
Customer can have his/her account linked to a customer card which can be scanned or swiped, when doing a customer transaction in POS. Customer card is created in the Customer Card Dialog
Customer cards numbers are 13 characters and all start with the numbers 4974052. To set them up as barcodes do the following:
- Go to Bar code Mask Setup View
- Add a new barcode mask by clicking the Add button
- New bar code setup dialog is displayed
- Enter Customer card as description
- Select Customer as type of mask
- Select EAN13 as symbology
- Enter 4974052 as the mask
- Prefix gets automatically the same value as the mask
- In the lower view click the Add button to add a barcode mask segment
- Enter 1 as segment number
- Select Customer as type
- Set segmentChar as D
- Enter 6 as length
- Click the OK button to save the mask segment
- Click the OK button to save and close the barcode mask dialog
- Open the Barcode setup view
- Click the Add button to add a new barcode setup for customer card
- Enter a description e.g. Customer card
- A barcode setup view opens up
- Select EAN13 as barcode type
- Select Customer card as mask
- Close the view
Link a customer to a card
Open the Customer Card Dialog
- Click the Add button to create a new customer card
- Enter card number as 4974052830006
- Select a customer
- Click the OK button
You have now setup a customer card for a customer and are able to swipe the card or enter manually the card number into POS. The customer information will be displayed in the customer panel.
If a customer ID from the barcode mask cannot be found the customer barcode functionality will check if any customer card configured for a customer has the full barcode number as a card number