Lookups Menu

All lookups require online connection to the LS Commerce Server. If the mobile application is offline, a notification is displayed when performing actions.

Item Lookup

It is possible to look items up by entering a barcode, an item ID or search by description and get information on the item. The barcode button on the right opens the barcode scanner to scan the item barcode.

The information displayed in the item lookup is:

  • Item ID
  • Item description
  • Extended description
  • Is header item - Yes or no. Header items are items that hold the dimensions and attributes of the variant items under it
  • Inventory unit - shows the inventory unit
  • Purchase price - shows the last purchase price of the item
  • Sales price - shows the standard sales price of the item
  • Inventory on hand - number of items that are ready for sale
  • Ordered - number of items on order
  • Reserved - number of items which have been reserved
  • Parked - number of items that have been parked

Customer Lookup

It is possible to look up a customer by name or ID and get information on the customer.

The information displayed in the customer lookup is:

  • Customer number - the ID of the customer
  • Address - displays the street address of the customer
  • City
  • Country
  • Phone number - Displays the customer's main phone number
  • E-mail - Displays the customer's main e-mail address
  • Contact - Displays name of the contact
  • Block - Displays information if the customer has been blocked
  • Balance - Displays the balance of the customer account
  • Credit limit - Displays the maximum the customer balance can go down to

Vendor Lookup

It is possible to look up a vendor by description or ID and get information about the vendor.

The information displayed in the vendor lookup is:

  • Vendor number
  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Fax number
  • E-mail
  • Address
  • Address 2
  • City


Inserted: December 2019
Version: LS One 2019.1