Utilities Menu


The Utility Menu includes the following actions:

Change Store

The store used by the mobile application is changed on the settings screen (before logon). If the mobile device is moved between stores then simply type in the new store. Note that the local database deletes all the data related to the old store.

Update Master Data

Updates only the changes made in LS One since the last update of the master data.

Full Master Data

Retrieves all the master data from LS One. The database is first cleared and then the data is stored, no matter whether this is for the first time or replacing existing data. Note this action must be done before using the application.

Customer / vendor full update

Updates all changes made to the customers and vendors since last update of the master data.

Who am I

Displays information about the device and configured store and terminal.


Inserted: December 2019
Version: LS One 2019.1