Special Groups

Special groups are created and maintained in Item > Special groups

What are special groups?

  • A special group is a group of any items
  • An item can belong to many Special groups
  • Items do not inherit values from Special groups (as with Retail groups) this means that you can group any items together under Special groups.
  • The Special groups do not affect or work together with Retail groups and Retail departments, but an item can belong to both a Retail group and Special groups.



  • Periodic discounts can be created for all items in a special group.
    • Example: Create a discount for all items of a particular brand even though they are not in the same retail group.
  • use for reports

The Special groups view

Create a new special group

To create a new special group click the button below upper list, the list of special group.

Enter a description for the new special group in the New special group dialog and press the OK button.


Add items to a special group

There are two ways of adding items to a special group:

  1. Adding one or many items to a special group in the special group view.
  2. Adding a specific item to to a special group from the item view.


Adding items from the special group view

  1. To add items to the special group from the special group select the item tab in the lower list view and press the button below the list.
  2. In the Item search dialog you can search for items and hold the ctrl button on the keyboard to select multiple items.
  3. Press select when you have selected all the items to add to the group


Adding an item to one or more special groups from the item view

  1. Open the item view for the item to be added to the Special group.
  2. Select the Special group tab.
  3. A list of all special groups are displayed in a list.
  4. Select all special groups the item should be added to and then press the save button



See also:

Inserted: 2nd July 2013
Version: LS Retail .NET 2012