Discount activation with coupons

Periodic discounts (discount offers, multibuy and Mix and match) can be manually triggered by coupons.

Coupon discount can either be triggered by

  • Selecting the coupon from a list in the POS
  • Setting up a bar code and bar code mask for the coupon ID and scan/enter the ID in the POS numpad.

Create discount coupons

The discounts that the coupon should trigger needs to be set up with the coupon trigger type.

The coupons are created in Site Manager by going to Item -> Coupons -> New coupon(s) or by going to Item -> Coupons -> View Coupons and click on the .

When creating coupons for you need to set the following:

  • Number of coupons that should be created for the discount.
  • Description for the coupons.
  • Select which offer should be activated when the coupon is triggered.
  • Select if the coupons should have unlimited usage or if it should have some use limit.
  • Set a validation period for the coupons
  • Select if the coupons should be enabled or disabled on creation

All the created coupons can be viewed in Item -> Coupons -> View Coupons and they can be enabled, disabled, edited or deleted.

Activating the coupon discount in the POS

To add a coupon to a sale on the POS an item has to be on the sale that's included in a coupon discount. If you've set up a bar code and bar code mask you can scan or enter the coupon ID into the numpad, or use the Coupon add operation and select it from a list of coupons.

Inserted: November 2021
Version: LS One 2021.1 SP2