Display limited payment information in POS

The POS can display a list of the limited payment types and how much of the ongoing transaction can be charged to the different limited payment types.

In the example below you could pay €6,2 with the payment type EBT, €15,00 with WIC and the total amount 16,20 can be paid with any unlimited payment type.

To include this in your POS layout you need to add the HTML panel component to your POS layout and select to display totals in POS in the functionality profile.

  1. Go to Sites > [Look and feel] Touch button layouts
  2. Edit your POS layout
  3. Select action Change design
  4. In the Customization dialog locate the Html information panel and drag it into your design.
  5. Save your design
  6. Now go to Sites > [Profiles] Functionality
  7. Edit your functionality profile and open the Limitations tab
  8. Select Display totals on POS.


Now when you add items to a transaction in the POS it will display how the items can be paid for.


Reviewed: July 2020
Version: LS One 2020