Generate a transfer order from a filter

Inventory > Transfers > Orders / Requests > Generate from a filter

What is the dialog used for?

  • Create a transfer order or request from a filter created by the user. When Finish button is clicked then the filtered items are added to the new transfer order or transfer request.

Preview of a filter result

Fields & buttons Description
Item ID Displays item ID.
Description Displays item description.
Variant description Displays variant description.
Inventory unit Displays the item's inventory unit.
Retail group Displays the item's retail group.
Retail department Displays the item's retail department.
Vendor Displays vendor description.
Preview Click on this button to preview the items on the transfer order / request being created.
Next Click on this button to finalize the journal.


This filter is not saved anywhere, the next time the user selects this option he needs to enter the filter again. If he wants to save a filter then a template needs to be created.

See also


Reviewed: January 2018
Version: LS One 2018