Card Type View

Setup > Payments > Card types > Edit button

What is the view used for?

Fields & buttons Description
ID Displays the card type ID.
Description Displays the card type description *editable.

Select the type of card:

  • International credit card
  • International debit card
  • Loyalty card
  • Company card
  • Customer card
  • Employee card
  • Sales person card
  • Unknown card
Number series: From Displays the number series starting number.
To Displays the end number of the number series valid for this card type.
Edit Highlight a line and select this button to edit the card number series. Opens the Card series dialog.
Add Select this button to add a new card number series. Opens the Card series dialog.
Delete Highlight a line and select this button to delete the card number series.

See also


Last updated: June 2018
Version: LS One 2018