Add a Trade Agreement Dialog

Retail > Customers > Customers > Select customer > Discounts tab > Edit/Add button

What is the dialog used for?

  • Add a trade agreement to a customer. When the customer is added to the transaction on the POS, the price of the items in the transaction will be calculated according to these discounts.
  • Trade agreements are discounts that work on single (line) or multiple items (multiline) with amounts or percentages. Total discounts can also be set to customers.
Fields & buttons Description
Line discount

Create a new line discount for this customer. Opens Trade agreements - Line discount dialog.

Use this option to discount an item.

A line discount can be set up from the item card or the customer card.

Multiline discount

Create a new multiline discount for this customer. Opens Trade agreements - Multi line discount dialog.

Use this option to discount more than one item using the same restrictions.

A multi line discount can be set up from the item card or the customer card.

Total discount

Create a new total discount for this customer. Opens Total discount dialog.

Use this option to set a total discount to all of this customer's purchases.

See also


Last review: 10th June 2016
Version: LS One 2016