Item Search Dialog

Retail items > Price/discount > Item discount groups >Items tab > Edit/Add button

What is the dialog used for?

  • Search for an item to add to the price/discount group.
Fields & buttons Description
Item Select which item / header item to add to the discount group.
Press this button to add the selected item to the list. All items in the list will be added to the group when the OK button is pressed.

This field is only available if a header item has been selected in the Item field. If the offer should be valid for a single variant item select this variant item from the list.

If a header item has been selected in the Item field and no variant is selected in this field the discount will be available for all variant items.

ID Displays the item ID.
Description Displays the description of the item (retail item or header item).
Variant This field is only visible if any of the lines include a variant item. Then this field displays the variant description of the item.
Current group Displays the item's current price/discount group.
Select Highlight an item and select this button to add it to the price/discount group.

See also

Last review: 10th June 2016
Version: LS One 2016