How to cancel a customer order
New customer order can be cancelled by clicking the Void transaction button (Void transaction).
- Recall a customer order that has already been created by clicking the Recall customer order button (Recall a customer order) and select the order to be cancelled.
- If there are no payments on the transaction click the Void transaction button otherwise the payments needs to be voided before the transaction can be voided (Void transaction).
Item on a new customer order can be voided by pressing the Void item button (Void item)
- Recall a customer order that has already been created by clicking the Recall customer order button (Recall a customer order) and select the order.
- Select the item to be voided and press the Void item button (Void item).
- If other items are on the customer order the deposit on the voided item will be distributed to the other items displayed.
- If other items are on the customer order and the total of those items is less than the voided item the deposit on the voided item will be used to fully pay the items on the order.
- Recall a customer order that has a deposit on it by clicking the Recall customer order button (Recall a customer order) and select the order.
- Void all the items (Void item).
- Click any payment button.
- Select Pay back deposit.