Purchase Order Template

Purchase Order templates are used to create purchase worksheets and purchase orders efficiently. The purchase order template includes settings on how the purchase worksheet behaves.

The purchase order templates contain settings both for the purchase worksheet that can be used to create purchase orders effectively both in the Site Manager and in the LS Commerce Mobile App.

How to create a purchase order template:

  1. Go to Inventory > General > Templates
  2. Press the add button to add a new template.
  3. Give the template a description and select Template type: Purchase order.
  4. Decide which store the template is available for or if it is available for all stores.
  5. Click OK

Item filter tab

In the item filter tab you can create a filter of items which are added to the purchase worksheet created from the template. When the items are added to the worksheet the item replenishment settings are used.

General tab

In the general tab there are settings which apply to all types of inventory templates. Such as unit selection and what can be changed in each line.

Purchase worksheet tab

This tab has settings on how the item lines are added to the purchase worksheet such as if lines with zero suggested quantity are added to the purchase worksheet.

For detailed description of each field read the field help for the inventory templates view

Stock counting tab

This tab has settings which are not used by the purchase order template



Inserted: September 2017
Version: LS One 2017.2