LS One POS Display

When you have logged into the POS your layout could look something like this:

LS One POS display (Supermarket)

The LS One POS screen consists of different parts that are explained in the table after the figure.

LS One POS parts

Part of the Display Description
Item sale menu

The item menu is a layered button grid that opens menus with buttons for specific groups of items, such as Dairy or Fruit and Vegetables.

In the demo data, this button grid is called Supermarket PLU Main and has two Sub Menu operations, and one Popup menu that open other menus to allow you to quickly search for items.

The other operation is Item Search which opens a screen that allows you to find any item by typing its name or number.

Barcode or quantity input panel Input field for the item number/bar code. If you are selling more than one of an item, speed up a transaction by entering the number before using a quick button.
Image display Images can be added to retail items and displayed on the POS when they are sold.
Logo panel The store logo can be displayed here. Right click to select a picture.
Message panel Messages to the user are displayed here.
Navigation menu

Each button opens a new menu in the Menu for operations.

This button grid is called Operation Selection in the Demo Data and has the operation Open Menu, allowing it to open another menu, attached to it, which can have many parameters. When you click on a button in the Navigation Menu it calls forward the button grid menu assigned to it.

Numeric input panel/numpad You can enter numerical data here.
Operations menu General operations used in the POS. In the Demo Data this menu is called Main Operations.
Receipt panel All of the items that have been entered into the POS are displayed here.
Status bar Displays POS information, date and time.
Total panel Displays sale subtotals and totals.

See more about touch button menus in the Site Manager and POS in Profiles.


Updated: 8th February 2015
Version: LS One 2015.1