Customer orders

Customers > Customer orders > Customer orders

Here you can view a list of customer orders.

What is the view used for?

  1. You can use the search filter to search for customer orders by their statuses, comments, whether they are expired or not, delivery location, delivery method, source, customer and reference.
  2. You can edit customer order details: Reference, delivery, source, expire date, comment and customer.

Search filtering

Customer orders can be searched in a filtered search. One filtering line is added for each type of filter. You can even save your preferred filtering settings and they will be available when you open the view.

Fields & buttons Description
  • Reference
  • Comment
  • Expired orders
  • Delivery location
  • Delivery
  • Source
  • Status
  • Customer

Select to filter by statuses, comments, expired (yes or no), delivery location, delivery method, source, customer and reference.

  • Begins with
  • Contains
  • Begins with: Selecting this option allows you to search for the beginning of the configuration description.
  • Contains: Selecting this option allows you to search for the number or letters within the description .

This field is only visible for types that allow free text search. That is ID and description.

Search field Enter the search criteria. For description you can enter a free text.

If there are more than one lines press this button to delete a search criteria.

You can also unselect the check box to exclude a criteria from the search.

Press this button to add search criteria.

The following actions are available from a drop down menu when this button is pressed.

  • Save as default layout: The search lines you have selected will be saved to the view and opened when this view is opened .
  • Load default layout: If you have edited the search settings since you last opened the configuration list view select this option to reload the saved layout.
  • Reset: Select this option to reset the layout to be as displayed in image above.
  • Toggle button locations: Select this option to set the and buttons front of the filter type .


Press this button or hit enter button on keyboard to search for a configuration with the filters set.

See also


Last updated: March 2017
Version: LS One 2017.1