Purchase Orders View

Inventory >Purchase > Purchase orders > Manage purchase orders

What is the view used for?

  • This view displays purchase orders. You can add and edit them here.

Purchase orders can be searched in a filtered search.

Field and button description for the list view

Fields & buttons Description
Purchase order ID Displays the purchase order ID.
Description Displays the purchase order description.
Store Displays the store in which the purchase order was placed.
Vendor Displays the vendor.
Status Displays the status of the purchase order.
Delivery date Displays the delivery date.
Creation date Displays the creation date.
Edit Highlight a line and select the Edit button to make changes to the purchase order. Opens Purchase order view.
Add Select the Add button to create a new purchase order. Opens the New purchase order dialog.
Delete Highlight a line and select the delete button to delete the purchase order.

Note! To be able to create a purchase order for all stores, permission Manage Purchase orders for all stores needs to be granted when the Site Manager is configured to be on a specific store.

See also

Reviewed: August 2017
Version: LS One 2017.2