Currency Dialog

General Setup > Payments > Currencies > Edit/Add button

What is the dialog used for?

  • Add/Edit a currency.
  • Note on Rounding:
  • Rounding in the system has three types: Sales, Purchase and Amount. For each of these types it is possible to configure to how many decimals the amounts are rounded to for each currency.
  • Values in rounding fields:
    • 1 the number is rounded and displayed with no decimal;
    • 0,1 the number is rounded and displayed with one decimal;
    • 0,01 the number is rounded and displayed with two decimals;
  • And so on.
  • Each rounding type has its rounding method to decide how the amount is rounded.
    • Round to next: Round up or down, whichever is nearer.
    • Always round down: Always round down to the nearest number.
    • Always round up: Always round up to the nearest number.
Fields & buttons Description
Currency code Enter a currency code.
Description Enter a description.
Prefix Enter a prefix (comes before the number) such as $. This will be displayed across the LS One system.
Suffix Enter a suffix (comes after the number) such as SEK. This will be displayed across the LS One system.
Preview Displays a preview of the currency with an amount based on the settings you have chosen.
Sales rounding Enter the sales rounding value. The LS One POS amounts; Sale and Balance.
Sales rounding method

Select from the following options:

  • Round to next
  • Always round down
  • Always round up
Purchase rounding Enter the purchase rounding value. For numbers regarding purchase processes in the Site Manager.
Purchase rounding method

Select from the following options:

  • Round to next
  • Always round down
  • Always round up
Amount rounding Enter the amount rounding value. This type of rounding works with all amounts apart from sales and balance.
Amount rounding method

Select from the following options:

  • Round to next
  • Always round down
  • Always round up

See also

Last updated: 12th May 2013
Version: LS One 2013.1