Currencies View

General Setup > Payments > Currencies

What is the view used for?

  • Here, all the currencies that are going to be used by the currency payment type are set up.
  • In the upper pane of the window is a list of the valid currencies and the lower pane includes an exchange rate for the selected currency.
  • Note:
    • The default currency for the company has to be included on this list with an exchange rate of 1,000.
    • The default currency for the company is written in bold letters.
    • The default currency for the Demo Data company is EUR.
    • The company’s default currency is set up in Store setup > Stores > Company information.
    • Every Store can have an individual default currency in its set up.
Fields & buttons Description
Currency code Displays the currency ID.
Description Displays the currency description.
Is company currency

The company needs to have one currency selected as the company currency. Prices set in the Site Managerare in this currency, unless otherwise stated and will be converted to other currency using the set exchange rate for that currency.

The company currency always has the exchange rate set as 1.

Edit company currency
By pressing this button the Company information view is opened where the company currency can be selected and edited.
Edit Highlight a line and select this button to edit the currency. Opens the Currency dialog.
Add Select this button to create a new currency. Opens the Currency dialog.
Delete Highlight a line and select this button to delete the currency.

See also


Last updated: November 2017
Version: LS One 2018