Company Information View

Site Manager > Store setup > Stores > Company information

What is the view used for?

  • Enter or edit the company's information.
Fields & buttons Description
Description Text box where you can type the description of the company, usually its name.
Registration number Text box where you can type the company registration number.
Address Text box where you can type the address of the company.
City Text box where you can type the City where the company or store is based.
State/Zip code A drop down menu where you can select the state and a text box where you can insert your store's zip code.
Button: Globe Choose from: Generic with state, Generic without state, US, Canadian, India.
Country Choose your country from the drop-down menu.
Company currency Select the company currency from the drop-down menu. All prices set in the Site Manager are in this currency unless otherwise stated.
Edit Select this button to edit or add a currency. Opens the Currencies view.

See also

Last updated: 12th May 2013 TODO
Version: LS One 2015.1