Inventory Templates View

Inventory > General > Templates

What is the view used for?

  • Inventory templates contain item filters and settings for stock counting journals, transfer orders and purchase order worksheets.
  • Create a purchase order template to use the item replenishment settings on purchase orders.
  • Create stock counting templates to create stock counting journals preset from a filter of items. Stock counting templates are used in the mobile inventory app.
  • Create a transfer order template to control how items are added to the transfer order how the transfer order can be received.
  • The template displays a list with columns defining the inventory template name, the store that the template applies to and the default unit type of an item when populating the worksheet.
  • Site level: The user sees a list of the templates that apply to that site.
  • Head Office: The user sees a list of all of the templates.


Fields & buttons Description
Description Displays the template description.
Store Displays the store that the template is attached to.
Type Displays the type of inventory template stock counting, purchase order or transfer order.
Edit Highlight a line and select this button to edit the template. Opens the Inventory Template ID View.
Add Click on this button to create a new template. Opens New inventory template dialog.
Delete Highlight a line and select this button to delete a template.
Purchase Worksheets Select this link to open the Purchase Worksheets View.

See also


Last updated: November 2017
Available version: LS One 2018