Purchase Worksheets

Inventory > Purchase > Worksheets

What is the view used for?

  • The purchase worksheets view displays a list of the available purchase worksheets on the Site Manager.

  • Each site only sees the worksheets that apply to it.

  • Head Office can see all worksheets.

  • A worksheet can only be created or deleted through an inventory template.

  • When you create an inventory template a purchase worksheet is also created. These objects always exist together so if you delete the inventory template the purchase worksheet is also deleted.
  • Note: You cannot delete a purchase worksheet in any other way.

  • Purchase worksheets contain order lines. Which lines populate the worksheet depends on the inventory template. The lines are posted out of the purchase worksheets and purchase orders are created from the lines. This process removes the lines. The purchase worksheet is reused the next time you need to perform replenishment.

  • Even though the inventory template dictates which lines to add to the purchase worksheet, you can also add individual item lines manually.

Fields & buttons Description
Description The inventory template description.

The store the inventory template applies to.

Entries The number of lines currently in the worksheet.
Edit Click on a purchase worksheet and select this button to edit.


Last updated: September 2017
Version: LS One 2017.2