Purchase Worksheets

Inventory > Purchase > Worksheets > Select a purchase worksheet

What is the view used for?

  • When you create an inventory template a purchase worksheet is also created. These objects always exist together so if you delete the inventory template the purchase worksheet is also deleted.

  • Purchase worksheets contain order lines. Which lines populate the worksheet depends on the inventory template. The lines are posted out of the purchase worksheets and purchase orders are created from the lines.

  • This process removes the lines. The purchase worksheet is reused the next time you need to perform replenishment.

  • Even though the inventory template dictates which lines to add to the purchase worksheet, you can also add individual item lines manually.

  • When the worksheet is opened and it contains no data, the rules from the inventory template are automatically applied and the worksheet lines are populated.

  • If the worksheet is opened and it contains data:

  • The values of the current lines are updated.

  • Lines are not deleted.

  • If suggested quantity is changed anywhere and the setting “Set quantity to suggested quantity” is true, the user is asked if they would like to update the ordering quantity based on the suggested quantity.

Fields & buttons Description
Item ID Displays item ID

If the item was added to the worksheet through replenishment rules then this is the item’s default barcode.

If the item was manually added then this is the barcode that was used to manually add the item.

Note: This column’s visibility depends on template.

Description Description of the item.

Description of the variant.

Note: This column’s visibility depends on whether or not variants are in the worksheet.

Vendor The vendor that the item should be ordered from.
Quantity This is the quantity that is to be ordered. This is used when the purchase order is generated from this worksheet. This field is editable. The number of decimals allowed is controlled by the maximum decimals of the selected unit.
Suggested quantity The calculated quantity that the replenishment algorithm suggests the user should order.
Inventory on hand

Inventory on hand is used to calculate suggested quantity.

Inventory on hand =

Current inventory

+Qty in purchase order

+Qty in inventory transfers (in)

-Qty in inventory transfers (out)

Reorder point Item’s reorder point. Column’s visibility depends on template.
Maximum inventory Maximum inventory level of the item. Column’s visibility depends on template.

When you press the Post button on the worksheet (it is only active if there are items in the worksheet) you get a dialog asking if you are sure you would like to post the worksheet.

If you press YES then you run logic to create purchase orders.

If a single purchase order is created the user is asked if they would like to view the order.

If multiple purchase orders were created then a confirmation dialog appears telling the user how many POs were created.

Edit Click on a purchase worksheet line and select the edit button to make changes to it. Opens the Purchase worksheet line dialog.
Add Add a purchase worksheet line. Opens the Purchase worksheet line dialog.
Delete Click on a purchase worksheet line and select this button to delete it.

See also

Last updated: January 2021
Version: LS One 2020.1