New Store Dialog

Site Manager > Sites > Stores > Add button

What is the dialog used for?

  • Add a new store.
Fields & buttons Description

Enter an ID for the new store. If no ID is entered a numeric ID is generated for your store.

This field is visible only if manually entered store IDs are allowed.

The allow manually entered store ID setting is found in General setup > System > Administrative options > Store management.

Description Text box to enter the description, or the name of the store.
Currency Select the store's default currency from the drop-down menu.
Add Select the add button to add a new currency.
Touch button layout Select which touch button layout the terminals in the store should have by default.
Functionality profile Select which functionality profile the terminals in the store should use.
Region Select which region does the store belong to.
Copy from Select a store to copy details from or Do not copy existing store.

See also

Last updated: 13th June 2017
Version: LS One 2017.2