Restaurants - Hospitality

LS One provides extensive hospitality functionality which is available to all and included in the standard LS One installation and license.

As an example of restaurant functionality we can name table management, splitting the bill, sending orders to kitchen stations and over the counter sales. Read further about the hospitality functionality here. To have access to this functionality you need to do some initial configuration or use the LS One Demo data package.

For testing and demonstration purposes you can use the demo data that includes a fully configured restaurant, Aurora Restaurant (S0005) but for stores already running and want to add restaurant functionality to their LS One setup there are two ways to start

  1. Import the included hospitality data package and edit to your needs

  2. Create all the needed data from scratch


Read more about what LS One has to offer restaurants in the Hospitality functionality overview


Last revision: November 2020
Version: LS One 2020.1