LS Commerce Terminal Setup

For each mobile device you need to create a terminal in the store the mobile device should be connected to.

This terminal has to have a functionality profile with LS Commerce specific settings.


An example terminal and functionality profile are imported with the LS Commerce specific LS Commerce data.xml default data pack. See here how to import default data packs.


Follow these steps to create the LS Commerce mobile terminal

  1. Go to Sites > Sites/Terminals > Stores select the store to add the terminal to and press the edit button .
  2. In the Terminal tab press the plus button to create a new terminal for this store.
  3. Give the new terminal a description.
  4. Select a visual profile. You can select any visual profile that exist in your data.
  5. Select a hardware profile for this terminal. Select a hardware profile that does not have any hardware activated.
  6. Press Ok and the Terminal view opens.
  7. In the terminal view select the Functionality profile with the LS Commerce specific settings.
  8. When you have received the License key you can also insert the key here. Read further about how to get LS Commerce licenses here.


Inserted: September 2019
Version: LS One 2019.1