LS Commerce Functionality Profile Setup

For each mobile device connected to LS One you need to create a terminal in the store the mobile device should be connected to and this terminal needs a functionality profile with LS Commerce specific settings.

These settings include which printer station the LS Commerce Mobile POS should connect to and which is the Startup menu of the LS Commerce Mobile Inventory app.

An example terminal and functionality profile are imported with the LS Commerce specific LS Commerce data.xml default data pack. See here how to import default data packs.


Follow these steps to create the LS Commerce functionality profile

  1. Go to Sites > Profiles > Functionality and press the add button .
  2. Give the new functionality profile a description.
  3. Press OK and the Functionality profile view is opened
  4. Go to the LS Commerce tab.
  5. When you have selected each of these settings save the profile and add it to your mobile terminal.


Last updated: August 2019
Version: LS One 2019.1