Scale setup introduction
LS One has been certified according to paragraph 8.1 of the European Standard on metrological aspects of non-automatic weighing instruments EN 45501:1992 and WELMEC 2.2 and WELMEC 2.3 (often referred to as the Scale certification in the LS One help topics).
Some of the requirements stated in the standard Scale certification can only be fulfilled with special settings in the Site Manager and LS One POS. These configurations and settings are described in this topic.
If a scale is to be connected to a LS One setup this setup guide has to be followed in detail
If the current configurations are based on the demo data provided with the system many of these settings are already set
There are very specific requirements that relate to the hardware itself as well as markings on the hardware. Please read the below sections carefully to make sure that you are compliant with the Scale certification requirements
The Point of Sales hardware has to consist of a windows operated PC which is equipped with a customer line display (2*20) or a dual display, a printer for receipt printing with (56 signs) and a connection to a weighing instrument. Other POS devices such as scanners are optional.
Descriptive Markings
Markings with manufacturer's name, type name (LS One), serial number and test certificate number shall be placed visible on the POS
Configurations and settings
The following configurations and settings need to be set for the Scale certification to be fulfilled. Please click on each link and verify that these settings are set as described.
Hardware profile configurations: Various hardware such as the printer, line display and of course the scale itself need to be configured.
POS display: The POS needs to display certain columns and symbols on the receipt panel.
Dual display look and feel: The scale configuration requires any dual display to have text that is at least 9.5 mm in height.
Printed receipt: The receipt that is printed needs to have specific information about scale items. In addition there are specific requirements about column header texts for amounts.
Currency symbol: The currency symbol for the local currency has to be entered when adding the currency information.
Unit configurations: Unit descriptions and scale units configurations need to be set.