Hardware profile settings for scale certification
To meet the requirements for the Scale certification the following configurations need to be set in the Hardware profile.
To find the Hardware profile, in the Site Manager's ribbon go to Sites -> Profiles -> Hardware to edit the profile setup.
The scale has to be active and the correct OPOS driver for the hardware selected.
The setting manual input allowed enables the user to enter the weight manually if the scale is not connected.
The printer has to be active and the correct OPOS driver or (Windows printer) for the printer selected.
The following needs to be set and checked for each country:
- Make sure you select the correct code page so that all symbols and characters can be displayed.
- Make sure that the local currency symbol prints correctly
Line display and/or Dual display
It is required to display transaction data for the customer, either on a 2x20 line display or a dual display.
Line display
For the line display it needs to be activated in the Line display tab and the correct driver selected.
The following needs to be set and checked for each country:
- Make sure you select the correct code page so that all symbols and characters can be displayed.
- Check that the local currency symbol displays correctly.
- Other settings on this tab are optional.
Dual display
For the dual display it needs to be activated and the correct screen selected. Make sure the receipt width is wide enough to display the receipt correctly. The text height is required to be 9.5mm or taller. This is set in the styles.
The text height in the Dual display is required to be 9.5mm or taller. For more information click here.
See also
Click here to go to the next part of the Scale certification configurations.
How to configure the POS Display
How to configure the Dual display styles