How to configure the currency
To fulfill the requirements for the scale certification the you need to make sure to enter the currency symbol for the company currency. This is done in the Currency dialog found by going to Setup -> Payments > Currencies. The company currency is displayed in bold and marked as "company currency" in the list. Select
To set the currency symbol for the currency, click the below the list of currencies. The currency symbols are either displayed in front of (prefix) the amount or after it (suffix). Enter the correct currency symbol for your currency into the right field.
Currency rounding has to be set to round to nearest for all amounts.
To set the rounding for the currency, click the below the list of currencies and set all the rounding configuration to Round to next
See also
Click here to go to the next part of the Scale certification configurations.
Hardware profile settings for scale certification
How to configure the POS Display
How to configure the Dual display styles
How to configure the printed receipt